Middle school Courses - Point Avenue


Point Avenue's Middle School program supports children ranging from Grade 5 to Grade 8 (11-14 years old). In Middle School, students are in a developmental learning stage in which academics, personal interests, and social connection are of the highest importance. Point Avenue's Middle School program is focused on enhancing both academic (English proficiency, writing, grammar, reading) and leadership skills (public speaking, habit building, confidence) to better prepare students for success and growth as they navigate this complex phase of life. Our Middle School program offers both English learning (ELA) and enrichment courses (Pages, Ink, Life Coaching) in order to provide a more holistic and well-rounded approach to education. Our teachers primary goal is to help mentor and guide your child to be the best version of themselves and develop leadership skills that will last a lifetime. Throughout our courses, your child will be provided with individualized feedback, educational recommendations, and a parent teacher conference.
  • Location
    • (7)

    • (7)

    • (7)

  • Course Type
    • (0)

    • (7)

    • (0)

  • Ages
    • (6)

    • (7)

    • (6)

    • (3)


Our Course Offerings

Teaching Methodology

Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) that supports a student centric environment, promoting character building, critical thinking, innovation, and motivation

Point Avenue utilizes an inquiry based approach, fostering curiosity, guiding students through the learning process, and leading them to become lifelong learners.

The 5E Model

